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Insurance Abroad

International Health Insurance and Emergency Service 

All individuals traveling internationally on ISU-sponsored travel are covered by the university’s international health and safety insurance program. The plan provides coverage worldwide outside the 50 United States and the traveler's country of residence.  It is not intended for use in the 50 United States or to replace your current U.S. coverage. Please note that this coverage does not include trip cancellation or delayed baggage insurance.

Insurance & registration is required for any ISU-sponsored travel, regardless of funding source.

Undergraduate International Travel 
All undergraduate students traveling internationally on ISU-sponsored travel (e.g., student orgs, independent study, internships, research, etc.) MUST register their travel and obtain the insurance for the duration of their trip. Costs associated with insurance will appear on the traveler’s U-Bill.

Study Abroad Students Independent Study, Internships, Research Student Organizations
Automatically enrolled based on study abroad application.   Register in ISUAbroad through the Intl Credit or Intl Non-Credit links towards the bottom of the Types of Programs page.   Student organizations interested in traveling internationally should first submit their trip to the Student Organization Travel Authorization (SOTA) system. Once a trip is approved in SOTA, an application will be created in ISUAbroad for individual traveler registration.
Graduate and Professional Student Travel
Graduate and professional students traveling for study abroad, any credit-bearing activity, or other activities related to their status as a student should follow the same process as undergraduate students outlined above. 

For travel associated with university-funded research, conferences, and other business-related travel, graduate and professional students should register using the International Travel Registration Portal, following the process below for business travel. For clarification, you may contact

University International Business Travel
ISU international business travelers (faculty, staff, and postdocs) and Study Abroad program leaders should register their travel in the International Travel Registration Portal regardless of funding source. Business travelers receive insurance coverage for any ISU-sponsored travel. Coverage is also extended to spouses and dependents traveling with employees on business.

Proof of Insurance Letter:  If you require proof of coverage for visa applications or other consular requirements, you may submit a Proof of Insurance Request Form. For more information on visa requirements for U.S. citizens traveling abroad, see:  

International Health and Safety Insurance Information 

ISU's insurance policy provides coverage in a variety of areas, including:  
  • Medical expenses and hospitalization, up to $500,000 per insured person.
  • Medical evacuation expenses, up to $500,000 per insured person, per event.
  • Repatriation of remains or burial, up to $100,000 per insured person.
  • Emergency Reunion benefits, up to $5,000, for a family member to travel to you if you are hospitalized for more than 72 hours, or if you are the victim of a felonious assault.
  • Trip interruption benefits, up to $2,500 if you must return home early due to certain covered events.
  • Up to 14 days of additional coverage is provided immediately before and after your ISU travel days for personal travel.

Additional details regarding the insurance program can be found at the Office of Risk Management website.

For questions regarding the plan, you may contact

Detailed Information


Travel Insurance Resources