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Internships Abroad

There are lit­er­ally mil­lions of options for using your skills abroad. Find­ing a good fit can be a bit of a chal­lenge, though. Below you’ll find infor­ma­tion on how to make deci­sions regard­ing your expe­ri­ence abroad. For a great overview of the process and logis­tics of going abroad for long-term or short-term employ­ment or intern­ships, see: 
The process for obtain­ing a work visa can be long and com­plex, and with­out legal paper­work grant­ing you the right to work in the coun­try, you’re an “ille­gal alien” or “undocumented worker” and so sub­ject to fines, impris­on­ment, and/or depor­ta­tion. Here are resources that can help you nav­i­gate the paper­work or will pro­vide you with a work per­mit for a small fee. Many will also pro­vide on-the-ground sup­port once you arrive in-country.
ISU stu­dents have found jobs and intern­ships through the fol­low­ing providers:
Most teach­ing abroad posi­tions involve teach­ing Eng­lish to stu­dents (ele­men­tary through adult) who want a native speaker to teach them or to serve as the “teacher aide” in their class. Resources include the fol­low­ing providers: If you’re a cer­ti­fied teacher (K-12), con­sider reg­is­ter­ing with the Uni­ver­sity of North­ern Iowa’s Over­seas Place­ment Ser­vice and attend­ing their Recruit­ing Fair.
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